Ethically Steering the Food System



The Science of our Supply Chain

GAP Science

TrimTab Foods operates within the highest standards of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP). Each agricultural product is evaluated through third party testing before advancing to ingredient manufacturing. In food science, we believe in prevention, effectively removing any lot with unwanted impurities or pathogens.

Ingredient Science

Each ingredient is manufactured to specifications which allow for maximum nutrient retention, flavor, and quality. Furthermore, each of our ingredients is tested through FDA food screens with accompanying spec sheets for quality assurance and complete transparency.

Field Science

From the field, we use organic agriculture science to evaluate crops for optimized harvest based on scientific characteristics to allow for maximum nutrient value and flavor.


Advanced Partnerships: Formula to Science Based Marketing

Superfoods are unique items that require unique positioning in the marketplace. Through our in-house research and advanced university partnerships we are dedicated to creating advanced formulas that feature science-based nutrient profiles, organoleptic flavor profile, texture, and taste to make our customer's finished products the best in the industry.